*cut flowers * flowering pot plants
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Care of cymbidiums

Cut Flowers:

When you receive your box of cymbidiums, cut the sleeve from the stem to avoid damaging the blooms. 
Cut 2cm diagonally off the bottom of the stem with a sharp knife and place in fresh clean water.
Use a flower preservative.
Do not refrigerate - the ideal temperature for storing cymbids is 4 to 12 degrees.

Flowering Pot Plants:

Enjoy your potted cymbids inside the house while they are in flower.  Water once a week.
If the house is unheated they should last 2 -3 months.  If the house is heated, placing the plants outside at night in the cold will help keep the flowers longer.
Alternatively, a spot in a semi shaded area on the patio, verandah, under a pergola is fine.

After flowering, cut off spent spikes and fertilize with a slow release fertilizer.  Put outside, in a shadehouse, or a spot which has plenty of filtered light and protection from  the hot midday sun. Water every second day in summer. 

Cymbidiums are Easy to Grow:

Basic Cultural Requirements:
  • Plenty of Light - 30 - 50% shade.  Cymbids grow well in full shade but won't flower; so a spot with plenty of filtered light and protection from the midday sun is ideal.  
  • Adequate water - keep pots moist. In summer, water 3 to 4 times a week; every day if very hot.  In winter, water once a week.
  • Regular fertilising.  Apply a slow release fertiliser in September, December, March.  Apply half strength liquid fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Good air circulation.  Avoid overcrowding in shadehouse.
  • Pot up or divide plants when bulbs fill the current pot.
Potting up and Dividing cymbidiums:
  • Use good quality pine bark or coco fibre chips.  Cymbidium potting mix is available from garden centres.
  • Ideal pH is 5.5 to 6.5
  • Pot up when bulbs fill current pot.  Cut off the lower 5cm and remove old or damaged roots.  Loosen outer roots a little but there is no need to remove all of the existing potting mix.  Repot into a larger pot with new potting mix allowing at least 3 cms all around the plant for new growth.
  • To divide a plant cut off the lower third to half of the root ball, tease out the roots and remove old or damaged ones.  Divide the plant up into sections (cut with a knife or spade; or break apart).  Keep at least 3 green bulbs together.  Remove any brown backbulbs, strip off old dead leaves around the bulbs.  Pot up into pots that will allow at least 3cms all around for future growth.  Place the lower third of the bulbs in potting mix.

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